Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bad Combination

There are some combinations that are never a good thing. Here is an example.....

Take this horrible insect:

and this cute girl:
Put the two together to get this very itchy, red forehead:

As if that isn't bad enough, let's add one more thing to the combination:

and we get this very messy girl just trying to get some relief from those itchy bites:


  1. I say do whatever works! If Addy says a nutrigrain bar smashed all over her face helps the itching of a darn mosquito bite, I'll be sure to do it to my face next time one bites me.

  2. Too cute! That is so funny. She is adorable!! :)Sorry about the bug bite though!!

  3. Poor Girl!! I love her pictures, she is getting ao big.

  4. Poor thing! The bug bite would be no fun! But these pictures are so cute! How funny! It really does look like she smeared it all over her face to stop the itching! ;)
